
can I make a return or exchange?

returns of apparel items can made within 30 days of purchase, but all other items are final sale. if you'd like to exchange an item, first return the original item and then repurchase the correct one. for more details visit the refund policy page!

can I cancel my order?

if your order has not been shipped yet, please contact me ASAP and your order can be canceled! if you have already received an email with shipping conformation and tracking info, the order cannot be canceled.

when will my order ship?

we aim to fulfill all orders within 3 business days! this time may vary due to sales, holidays, and other unforeseen events. if you have a question about your order, please contact us!

what happens if I never receive my order?

it is common for the post office to lose or incorrectly deliver packages, which is unfortunately out of our control. if this does happen to you, contacting USPS directly or submitting a missing mail search request will be the most effective way to retrieve your package. in addition to this, please contact us as well and we will do our best to assist in resolving the situation!

what if I put the wrong shipping address?

if your order has not been shipped yet, please contact us and we will change it for you! if you have already received an email with shipping conformation and tracking info, the address cannot be changed.

do you ship internationally?

we are currently only shipping within the united states!

do you offer custom orders?

yes! if there is a project you are interested in creating please contact us!

do you send PR or offer collabs?

unfortunately we are still too small of a business to have the budget to send out free items. for the time being, there is an ambassador program that you can apply to which does offer discounts and rewards!